July 13, 2003
Have a Little Faith in Me

i realize my life isnt the best it should or could be.. my faith in God over the past few years has faultered and that upsets me.. a good friend or so i thought, told me church was a joke and that i was foolish to believe in God. I knew then and there he was wrong..i love the Lord and i went to church this and last week.. there are things i need to work hard to change and you can certainly expect me to work hard to prove that..I LOVE JESUS! gotta prob? so what! He's there for me!

Brock! where have you been? you didnt come back last night! you better lemme a message or somethin! lurve ya!

Lynz thanks for being there for me last night when i was goin silly lol! luff yew!

ok i have a prob! which layout should i use?
Pink Swirls
Moon & Stars
Sign my g-book and tell me which you like!

Thomasyne @ 1:27 pm

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