March 23, 2003
not much to say

well i had a busy weekend! i got the material for my prom dress(its the blonde girls top with the brown haired girls bottom..the skirt is pale pink and the top is pale pink w/ silver swirls). also i visited these sites:
Letters to Dad
Splish Splash
Burger King Guy
What Is This??
Dirty Baby
Anakin Switch
Subliminal Messages
Mr. Nice
Banana Man
Opera Baby
so there go look and um..i'm bored here's a convo between me and Kalen

Stolen Cornflake: hey kalen
ka1en: hai
Stolen Cornflake: my gosh
Stolen Cornflake: porn on aim how dare you?!!
ka1en: lol
Stolen Cornflake: do you realize kissing is what makes babies???
ka1en: :D
Stolen Cornflake: chew gum it kills sperm cells:-)
ka1en: :O
Stolen Cornflake: :-P
ka1en: 3
ka1en: -3
ka1en: ee
Stolen Cornflake: 3 times? ARE YOU CRAZY?!! kissing that much is terrible...
Stolen Cornflake: ok i'm sleepy it was delightful chatting with you..remember safe sex! and always chew gum:-D
ka1en: lol
ka1en: :-) bai babe
Stolen Cornflake: tata grades in school were:
Culinary Arts-95
Natural Resources-85
yay those are good...more later!

Thomasyne @ 11:20 pm

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